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Bitcoin also called crypto, is the name of the best-known cryptocurrency. Inside bitcoin the blockchain technology was invented. A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange,
but is digital...
Click the link for video footage: https://bdcom.ca/index.php/en-us/9-world-mixed/279-change-the-way-you-think-2
In order to make changes, you have to also change the way you think. Example, in the global market we have so many brushes and...
Click the link to watch video: https://bdcom.ca/index.php/en-us/9-world-mixed/260-all-protein-actually-came-from-plant
All protein actually came from plant. Only plant has the ability to take nitrogen from the air.
That nitrogen breaks...
1. Feminism is just not the same as back home
On that subject, I’ve found it pretty bizarre that a lot of students my age seems to hold some quite old-fashioned views when it comes to marriage and gender roles. Also, a fare few times I’ve been...
How do you change your life using Self-Coaching?
First Ask yourself, how do I actually shape my explanatory style?
Super simple, when you notice your mindset veering to the negative.
I can’t do this.
This is too...
All you need to know about Canada pension plan and olds age security.
Apply for a CPP retirement pension While applying, you may now:
add a federal voluntary tax deduction
request to receive your tax slips online, rather than by mail request...